Love Beyond Size: How a Couple Learned to Accept Their Own Bodies


In a world where social media often shows unrealistic ideas of what is beautiful, Matt and Brittany Montgomery’s love story is a nice change of pace. Even though they are very different sizes, they have a deep bond that goes beyond how they look.

Brittany has had a hard time accepting herself because she is plus-size. She thought she would never find someone who loved her just the way she was. But Matt, who has had some problems in the past with relationships too, turned out to be her true love.

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People have said mean things about them together, but their love has only gotten stronger. Brittany’s insecurities have been put to rest thanks to Matt’s constant support and acceptance of her. She’s now more confident than ever.

They are together because they love each other no matter what, not even their size. When they accept their differences and encourage self-love, they break down barriers and question social rules.

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As they get ready to welcome their second child, Lakelyn, they want to send a strong message: love comes in many forms, and everyone should be able to find their ideal partner. The love story of Matt and Brittany is a good reminder to keep your attention on what really matters: the link, the love, and the acceptance.
