Dr. Sandra Lee Videos, 09

The serious problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has been caused by the widespread use of antibiotics. This is the reason that dermatologists don’t routinely prescribe antibiotics.

In fact, the P. acnes bacteria that infects blackheads and whiteheads and turns them into red, swollen pimples is now often found to be resistant to antibiotics such as erythromycin. Another issue with antibiotics is that they eradicate bacteria indiscriminately and deplete the “good” bacteria that we need to live healthily.

Add to this that antibiotics tackle only one aspect of acne but do nothing to regulate androgen hormones (the real cause of acne), and it becomes clear that antibiotics are not an effective acne solution. Don’t bother with antibiotics because, in my experience, they aren’t very useful and are a hassle to use.