Dr. Sandra Lee Videos, 06

Accutane can be another medication you can look into if cleansers and other acne medications are not getting rid of your acne.

Acutance is in pill form, and most doctors prescribe it for 6–8 weeks. Accutane works at eliminating acne at the cellular level to change the way the body manufactures natural oils. It reduces oil production and also helps with the actual chemical makeup of the oil produced. This causes it to clog your pores. Accutane is also a strong anti-inflammatory.

Accutane can have some harmful side effects. Make sure all other forms of acne control have been tried. Some of the minor side effects are depression, joint pain, and headaches. Some of the more serious ones are respiratory symptoms, inflammatory bowl disease, and vision problems. Obviously, you have to see a doctor to even get your hands on this medication, so make sure he or she recommends this acne treatment before trying it.